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Ursuline Academy strives to integrate the physical and social health of our students through competitive athletic programs designed to develop well-rounded individuals.

A school's ability to offer opportunities that encourage leadership while developing athletic skills is essential to supporting a diverse student body. The success of an athletic program is reflected in the success of its student-athletes, and those achievements contribute to the overall reputation of the school.

Ursuline athletes love to win, but they know that competing with grace - win or lose - is as important as the final score. The school spirit and commitment to good sportsmanship demonstrated by our student-athletes are as strong as their talent.

Ursuline offers the following sports and competes within the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association at the Division III or IV level depending on the sport:

  • Fall: Cross Country, Field Hockey, Soccer, Swimming and Diving, and Volleyball
  • Winter: Downhill Skiing, Ice Hockey, Winter Track, and Basketball
  • Spring: Golf, Lacrosse, Softball, Tennis, and Track & Field

Home Games Are Livestreamed!

Home games played in the Reynolds Center gym are now livestreamed so that fans can watch from other locations.  Visit our livestream page for the upcoming schedule.  


The fitness center is open after school for students and faculty to use. Teams are required to go for 30 minutes once a week and individual students may go during open times to work with our trainer.

UA Superfan Instagram Feed

    Meet Our Coaches

    At Ursuline, we are lucky to have many dedicated coaches, some of whom are also faculty, staff or alumnae.
    Jorge Torres

    Coach Jorge Torres

    Cross Country & Track

    Jorge Torres

    Cross COuntry and Track Coach

    Coach Torres is new to coaching high school athletes, but not new to coaching. For the past ten years, Torres has been an Athlete Representative and Event Manager with Global Athletics & Marketing, Inc. He has worked with professional athletes, organized major events, and collaborated with communities to bring young athletes together. For many years, Torres has helped friends to train for marathons as well. Torres is coming to Ursuline with expansive knowledge of the sport and the teams are excited to have this unique opportunity to be coached by an Olympic athlete.

    Coach Torres in the Boston Globe

    Morgan O'Donnell '15


    Morgan O'Donnell '15

    Basketball Coach

    Morgan has been Ursuline's head basketball coach since 2020. She played basketball for all 6 years she was a student at Ursuline. She was a captain her senior year and was a 1,000 point scorer. She went on to play at Assumption University. During her 4 year college career, the team achieved their goal of going to the NCAA tournament.  Morgan was elected as team captain her senior year.  She was selected to NE-10 All-Conference teams in her junior and senior seasons and she is only the 24th player in team history to score over 1,000 points. She then played at Griffith College in Dublin while earning her Masters of Science in International Business. She was an all Ireland National League All Star.

    John Forte


    John Forte P'06

    Soccer Coach

    Ursuline's varsity soccer coach since 2005, John has been awarded the 2018–2019 MIAA Girls Soccer Coach of the Year, coached his team to the 2013 Division 4 South Championships, and was named 2012 Boston Globe Division 3 Coach of the Year. His daughter Alicia Forte is a proud Ursuline alumna of 2006 and she had helped to assistant coach the team in the past. 

    Coach Forte in UA Hall of Fame

    Paul Bimmler


    Paul Bimmler

    Swim Coach

    Paul has been head coach of Urusline's swim team since 2019. He lead the D2 team through a very successful 2021 season. Paul swam as a student at Austin Prep and at Fairfield University, setting many records in his college career.

    UA Swim in the Boston Globe

    Linda Healy


    Linda Healy

    Golf Coach

    Linda Healy has been Ursuline's head golf coach since 2018. In 2022, she coached the girls all the way to win the championship. Healy, along with assistant coach Peter Powers (P' 23) worked with the girls all season to perfect their swings and work on the mental game that goes with the sport. Healy always tells the girls just to focus on their own individual game and take the round each stroke at a time. After their championship win, she told the Boston Globe, "They just really clicked together and they work as a team. It's an individual sport but it's also a team sport. They click so well and really respect each other and work well together."

    Golf Champs