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Ursuline Traditions

Every Ursuline student is part of a rich history and tradition that dates back nearly 500 years.  Today, the mission of St. Angela Merici continues on our campus in Dedham as well as on the campuses of more than 100 Ursuline schools worldwide. 

Each year, students look forward to celebrations and traditions that are unique to Ursuline Academy, as well as those that put an Ursuline spin on standard holidays and celebrations.  Some of the traditions here at Ursuline Academy in Dedham date back to the school's founding in 1819 and 1946 (see school history for more information), while others have been newly created.

Annual Events

School Spirit

School spirit is strong here at Ursuline Academy, and you will hear the loud refrains of the school anthem “Serviam”  being sung by the student body at the end of every Mass and assembly. We celebrate the feast day of St. Ursula, the patron saint of the Ursulines, each October, and the Feast of St. Angela Merici, the foundress of the Ursuline order, in January. Students also look forward to Spirit Week each semester, when uniforms are set aside for a dress code based on a different theme each day.  Throughout the year, each grade accumulates “Grizzly Grind” points, awarded for participation, excellence, and spirit during different events.  At the end of the year, the grade with the most Grizzly Grind points earns a day off from school!